1824-2024 The Museo Egizio towards its bicentenary


On October the 26th 2023, the Museo Egizio officially launched the events that will celebrate the Museum’s 200th anniversary in 2024.

Many projects and developments are in the works, with the aim of making the Museo Egizio an increasingly accessible, transparent and more open place.

For some time now (with the lecture series What is a museum?) the Museo Egizio has been reflecting on the meaning of the museum as an institution and its role within contemporary society, through discussions with the directors of Europe's largest museums.

Now, such reflections will be expressed through new installations and major architectural interventions, the latter being designed by David Gianotten and Andreas Karavanas from the Rotterdam-based OMA studio, whose project is now entering its construction phase.

Following OMA's win, last January, of the international competition of ideas, announced by the Foundazione Compagnia di San Paolo in 2022, a preliminary phase began for the final project, the result of months of discussions between the architects and the Museum's management and curators, the Accademia delle Scienze (owners of the baroque palace of the Collegio dei Nobili, which houses the Museum) and the Soprintendenza Archeologia, Belle Arti e Paesaggio for the Metropolitan City of Turin.

After a series of official stages, the Museum can now launch the works. In this way, an impressive project to renovate the courtyard and provide the city with a new public space, the creation of an Egyptian garden in the covered courtyard, a new immersive gallery inside the Museo Egizio, and the restoration and reinstallation of the Temple of Ellesiya and the Gallery of the Kings can be undertaken, projects for which an investment of 23 million euros is planned.

The graphic design for the 200th anniversary logo was created by Studio FM Milano. Great emphasis was placed on our pictogram, which now becomes a path-generating feature, bringing together the ancient with the contemporary, which is also seen in the words accompanying the campaign: 200 years of the Museo Egizio. Memory is our future.


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