Excavation Projects

Research lies at the heart of Museo Egizio

We apply advanced scientific techniques to archaeology continue ongoing excavation work with partners in Egypt and Sudan. We have the unique ability and expertise to carry out every aspect of research — from working on excavation sites, to analyzing and studying our findings.

Join Museo Egizio as a partner in discovery!


We are a high-level research institution as well as a museum, and so we apply advanced scientific techniques while conducting archeological research through excavations projects; while researching into the collection through studying the artifacts, conducting archaeometric investigations and restoration and conservative practices; keeping always in mind the audience and the dissemination of knowledge by rethinking the Museum spaces and activities.

AFME supports Museo Egizio in its important research and conservation work, sharing new discoveries about ancient Egypt with the world.

Our American friends play a critical role in making Museo Egizio’s dream projects a reality.


The Expedition

to Saqqara



This project is aimed at extending our knowledge of the Egyptian civilization through the archeological data found in the New Kingdom necropolis of Saqqara.

Our systematic investigation is currently exploring the vicinity of the tomb of Horemheb before he became Pharaoh, in the shadow of the first pyramid to have ever been built in Egypt, the pyramid of king Djoser.




Excavation, 3D Survey: 20,000 USD

Photography, Study of pottery, Study of human remains: 10,000 USD

Conservation: 8000 USD

38,000 USD for one month



On September 2022 the joint mission of Museo Egizio and Rijksmuseum of Leiden in Saqqara is back.
After a long pause due to the pandemic, archaeologists and researchers are back in the field. The current mission directors are Lara Weiss, Curator of the Egyptian collection at the Leiden Museum, and Christian Greco, Director of the Museo Egizio.

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Deir El-Medina



Within the framework of the French Archaeological mission at Deir El-Medina carried by the IFAO, the Museo Egizio of Turin is conducting research on a few Ramesside tombs located in the Western necropolis. These tombs have been chosen based on the many artifacts that belonged to the owners of these tombs and are now kept in the museum. In addition to giving the opportunity to perform a study on these fragile structures using new technologies, this fieldwork is a unique chance to recontextualize many objects of the museum’s collection by shedding a new and fresh light on them. This talk will be the opportunity to get a first glimpse at this work in progress.


Project details


During the campaign 2024, a team from Museo Egizio and the Centro Conservazione e Restauro La Venaria Reale continued their archaeological project at Deir el-Medina, under the umbrella of the French mission of IFAO. The 2024 season focused on the TT214, which belonged to the guardian Khaouy who lived under the reign of Ramesses II.

The main objective of this year campaign was to start the conservation work in the burial chamber of the tomb. The activities carried out included an initial phase of analysis and study of the wall paintings through careful observation. These activities enabled us to delve deeper into the execution technique, the condition of the paintings and to reconstruct the main historical and conservation events.

On the basis of the conservation problems, a scale of priorities was defined to guide the following activities aimed at stabilizing and securing the most compromised parts to avoid the irreversible loss of decorative fragments.

Conservation problems that are difficult to interpret will need to be clarified through future scientific analysis and future seasons of work on the field.




Cleaning and excavating: 5,000 USD for one month

Surveying and studying: 5,000 USD for one month

Conserving: 8,000 USD for one month

18,000 USD for one month




Rich in monuments from virtually all historical periods, the site of Coptos had already been extensively ravaged by clandestine looters by the time the first archaeologists arrived. Despite that, the annual archaeological mission ran by the Museo Egizio together with the Ifao allows to understand progressively all the remains of the site.


Project details


The current excavations are now focusing on the sanctuary of a temple, which was known only through a textual mention. Erected by Ptolemy IV, this temple had been destroyed at the end of the 4th century or at the beginning of the 5th century AD. The reliefs have been reduced to very tiny fragments, of which about 4000 have so far been brought to light and are under study.

Our understanding of the original plan of the building gave us hope that we would be able to uncover one or more missing parts of the monument, still yet to be found during the coming seasons.




Cleaning and excavating: 5,000 USD for one month

Surveying and studying: 5,000 USD for one month

Conserving: 8,000 USD for one month

18,000 USD for one month

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The Museo Egizio is very excited to announce a new fieldwork project in the Third Cataract Region of northern Sudan. We are delighted to strengthen our partnership with the Sudanese Antiquities Service in the excavation and recording of this New Kingdom Egyptian settlement area located 550 km north of Khartoum. This is reflecting our ongoing commitment to support Egypt’s global heritage by transcending modern political boundaries. This new project could fill a significant gap in current knowledge about how Nubia developed during the New Kingdom.


Current Situation


Due to the current political situation in the Country the mission has been suspended until further notice.