From November 2020 to June 2021 the Museo Egizio offers two online Egyptological conference programs

In November, the new program of scientific conferences kicks off, and for the 2020/2021 season it will offer a double calendar of online meetings, focused on Egyptological, museological and archival research and investigation topics, which will alternate international speakers and curators of the Museum. To consult the complete program click HERE

This year the Museum present also, for the first time, a new program of conferences under the title "Museum and Research. Excavations, Archives and Findings ”, which will be entirely dedicated to the research projects curated by the Collection and Research Department of the Museum. A way to highlight and centralize the studies in progress on the collection, which include both specific in-depth studies on individual finds or archaeological contexts, and projects of broader scope, always connected to the Museum's collection.

Click HERE for the complete program.

All appointments will be streamed live on the Facebook page and YouTube channel of the Egyptian Museum.

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